Character Education
Develop young people’s values, attitudes and personal qualities, to enable them to lead fulfilling lives. Students will be involved in various programmes such as, NorthLight Programme, Sports & Wellness Programme, Arts Appreciation Programme and Co-curriculum Activities.

As one of three main pillars of character development and holistic education,
Physical Education & Sports Wellness (PE SW) curriculum serve to imbibe
in our students the importance of teamwork, resilience, creative problem
solving and character & values formation as part of 21 Century CC.
The PE SW Department's curriculum is designed to ensure that students'
learning is made experiential, and fun as most of our students are kinaesthetic
and visual learners. The environment our students are exposed to is created
deliberately to ensure that their learning is purposeful and nurtures meaningful
socio-emotional development. Underpinning the SW curriculum is the philosophical
intent NLS PE 2.0 which is premised on the acronym M.O.V.E-Multuple Opportunities
for Varied Experiences. These opportunities further serve to enhance our
students' P.I.E.S (Physical, Intellectual, Emotional & Social). Additionally,
the PE SW curriculum is developmentally progressive in that it begins with
Exposure (different sports, skills and knowledge) to Familiarization through
Practise, leading on to Refinement and finally Consolidation.

Our Mission :
Nurturing students to be self-disciplined individuals that live out their
values effectively.
Our Approach:
Support and sustain (Children learn best in supportive environment)
Involve stakeholders in implementing discipline structures
Clear understanding of codes of behaviours and roles
Focus on success (catch them good)
Build up quality relationships
Strong involvement of students
Clear and convenient system for obtaining emotional or additional support
Sustained encouragement

Aesthetics Vision – Students to discover their talents
and strengths, become thinking, creative individuals who contributes to
the community. The Arts Appreciation Programme Framework
guides the development of the arts curriculum. It consist of pedagogical
approaches for skills and character education to develop the desired learner
outcome. It aims to introduce a variety of artistic forms and techniques
as a foundational approach to allowing the students to broaden their knowledge
and perspective of the arts. The framework objectives are for every student
to be able to Create, Explore and Appreciate the
arts. Through the opportunities provided students can develop skills and
awareness towards the intrinsic value of the arts.

At NorthLight, we see discipline as educational process to develop students intellectually and morally so that sound values are inculcated and lived out on a daily basis. Our goal is to nurture our students into self-disciplined individuals.
We believe in disciplining with care. When we discipline a student, it is not to inflict pain but for the student to learn. Our key approaches include creating a supportive environment and sustainable programmes that focus on success rather than failure. We seek to teach components of good character via social emotional learning through daily routines that will reflect our school values. Teachers and students will also model good behaviour and affirm positive actions. Students who have erred in their behaviour will be re-directed and guided towards the right direction and will take ownership of choices that they make.
We hope that with love, care and clear established rules, our students will choose to live out the school’s values and be responsible in creating a positive learning environment.