
At NorthLight, we see discipline as educational process to develop students intellectually and morally so that sound values are inculcated and lived out on a daily basis. Our goal is to nurture our students into self-disciplined individuals.
We believe in disciplining with care. When we discipline a student, it is not to inflict pain but for the student to learn. Our key approaches include creating a supportive environment and sustainable programmes that focus on success rather than failure. We seek to teach components of good character via social emotional learning through daily routines that will reflect our school values. Teachers and students will also model good behaviour and affirm positive actions. Students who have erred in their behaviour will be re-directed and guided towards the right direction and will take ownership of choices that they make.
We hope that with love, care and clear established rules, our students will choose to live out the school’s values and be responsible in creating a positive learning environment.

Every child matters. Every teacher is a discipline teacher.
To nurture students to be self-disciplined individuals who effectuate
their values effectively.
NorthLight School enrols students from different backgrounds. The unique
student profile is testament to the school’s focus on striking a balance
between nurturing potential and learning through experience.
NLS strives to create an environment of trust and responsibility through the STAR approach. For the Discipline Framework model, STAR is centered on our belief that every child matters. STAR’s effectiveness is correlated to our expectation that every teacher is a discipline teacher in NLS.
The following rules and regulations will be understood by the students at NorthLight.
A) Offences
The school tracks the following offences by recording the cases in the “Offence Module” of the Ministry of Education’s School Cockpit System.
Skipping Classes
Leaving school grounds without permission
Improper Attire and Grooming
Not doing Assignments
Using Vulgar Language
Cheating in Tests and Exams
Disruptive Behaviour
Open Defiance and Rudeness
Theft / Damage of Property
Theft / shoplifting
Other Serious Offences
Drug abuse
Inhalant abuse
Sexual Misconduct
Alcohol abuse
Possession of weapons
*All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Do note that the above list is not exhaustive. The school reserves the right to make necessary changes as and when deemed fit.
B) Attendance
Flag-raising and Pledge Taking ceremony
Students should be in the hall for flag-raising and pledge taking ceremony which commences at 7:45am sharp.
Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and recite the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
Attendance will be taken by Form Teachers after the flag-raising and Pledge taking ceremony.
A student is considered late when he does not attend the flag-raising and Pledge taking ceremony in the hall.
Recalcitrant latecomers will be tracked and consequences meted out accordingly.
Absence from school
A student who is absent due to sickness must produce a medical certificate (M.C.) from a certified doctor or letter by parents.
For non-medical reasons (such as a death in the family, etc) appropriate documents or letter from parents / guardian should be produced. Such a letter should be neatly written or typed and enclosed in an envelope.
Absence without a medical certificate or a parent / guardian’s letter will be regarded as truancy.
C) Movement
Leaving class during lessons
Students are to obtain a movement pass or permission slip from their teachers when they want to leave the classroom during curriculum time. They must display the movement pass or produce the permission slip when asked by any school staff for verification purpose.
Any student seen outside the class during lesson without a pass will be stopped, reprimanded and sent back immediately.
Leaving school premises during school hours
A parent / guardian may accompany a sick student home after registering with the General Office.
Any student who is ill may leave school for home only if verbal consent from the parents is established with the staff. The ‘Permission to Leave School Early’ form will be issued to the student by a member of the General Office and this form must be signed by a parent/ guardian and returned to school when the student is back in school.
During emergencies, the Operations Manager or teacher appointed by the School Leaders may send the child home or to the doctor/hospital.
Using of lift
Students are not allowed to use the lift at all times unless accompanied by any teacher/ staff.
Only students with verified medical conditions will be allowed to take the lift.
D) Using of mobile devices during curriculum hours
Unauthorised use of electronic mobile devices such as hand phones during curriculum hours is strictly prohibited. Disciplinary action may be taken for breaching the school rules.
E) Attire & Grooming
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
General Appearance and Grooming
Students’ natural hair colour should not be altered by dyeing, bleaching or any other means. A doctor’s letter will need to be submitted to the school if the student’s natural hair colour is not black.
Students must not shave or pluck their eyebrows.
Students should wear predominantly white or black shoes with white or black laces.
Students should only wear either black or white socks with no other prints at all times.
Accessories / Jewellery / Cosmetics
The following are NOT allowed:
Colourful, flashy or chunky jewellery (rings, earrings, bracelets) or other accessories such as leather neckbands, bead chokers etc.
Religious ornaments or amulets are not to be worn visibly.
Tinted glasses, coloured contact lenses.
Caps and hats.
Tongue studs, nose studs or any kind of body piercing.
Tattoos or body art (this includes stickers and non-permanent ink).
Make-up / Cosmetics.
Multiple / enlarged ear-piercings.
For Boys
Hair must be properly groomed and neat. There should be no fringes and sides should not touch the ears. Sideburns should be short.
Hair at back should be sloped and above the shirt collar.
Boys should be clean shaven. There should be no wearing of beards and moustaches.
No skin-heads are allowed.
No accessories are allowed.
For Girls
Hair must be neatly combed, clipped or tied up. Unkempt long hair and improper hairstyles are not acceptable.
All fringes must be worn above the eyebrows.
Hair that covers part of the face must be clipped up neatly.
Only black or dark-coloured hair clip / grips / bands should be used.
Multiple earrings or ear studs are not allowed. Only simple transparent ear studs or plain earrings (one on each ear) are allowed and they should be no bigger than 3mm.
The Discipline Committee recognizes that apart from corrective approaches,
the restorative processes are also essential in ensuring a child’s positive
growth and development. To help us achieve the desired outcomes, we have
continuously adopted the Restorative Approach, where the focus is not just
on the consequences and punishment. In 2019, Semester 2, the Reflection
Centre (RC) was set up with the hope of providing better support in terms
of discipline processes. When in the RC, the Pastoral Care Officer (PCO)
will engage and guide them in a reflection session where they were made
to pen down their thoughts on a reflection form. Through the session, the
PCO is able to surface some cases where students may need immediate intervention
and follow up by Form Teachers, Discipline Master/Mistress or the School

To ensure a safe physical environment where there is care for the students
in the morning and after school, the Games HQ provided a safe haven for
the students to gather. It is equipped with machines and games that promote
healthy interactions with peers. To ensure sustained interest in the students
to be engaged in school, new games and machines are being introduced once
in a semester. Free Wifi is also provided for the students who wished to
be engaged in their own games via their mobile phones. The Discipline Committee
members actively engage and interact with our students through monthly
events and competitions held in the Games HQ.

SPARKS@NLS is an after-school engagement programme that is targeted at
identified group of students in need of extensive mentoring. It is runs
twice weekly (2 hours per session) from February to November. The school
works with community partners to provide customised support and after-school
engagement, and strengthen our students’ social-emotional (SE) competencies
and social skills. The programme focuses on deliberate and intended effort
towards tackling identified issues and correcting factors that exist within
our youths to enable them to stay clear of undesirable activities and enhance
their chances of success.